
Final Fantasy Redid (Part 5 of 5)

3 months ago
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Time Stamps :)

0:00 - 6:50 - Cloud, Tifa, Aerith Rad 3 way Hanky Panky
6:50 - 9:05 - Ann and the mystery bastard!
9:06 - 10:55 - Lustful gooneries occuring through the hotel (Sheva, Makoto)
10:56 - 12:10 - Cloud, Aerith Blindfolded Hanky Panky
12:11 - 17:00 - A bitta fishin with Taki, and a steamy relaxing time in the hot tub with Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, and Ann.
17:01 - 18:54 - A sleeping Chun Li encounters the mystery bastard! He's a swell bastard that likes to cook.
18:55 - 22:25 - Jill and Sheva reunite!
22:26 - 30:50 - Everyone watches video games together :D

Description :)

This is the pervy happy ending that Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa all deserve! This takes place 6 years after defeating Sephiroth, and quite a lot has happened since then! Tifa now rules the underworld, with her ever-rad and vigilant partner, Taki. Tifa defeated the former ruler of the underworld a year ago, but tricked into taking a permanent aphrodisiac in the process, Memento.
Memento was developed to render extremely powerful warriors inert, while enjoying them for as long as possible. Memento boosts all senses, not just touch, and it renders users inert by rewiring muscle movement into pleasure, while leaving vital organ function in tact. Memento can be countered in many ways, most commonly alcohol. Upon drinking, anyone under the effects of Memento will be able to move their muscles normally.
Tifa realized that bastards who use Memento, and bastards like Don Corneo were two very different beasts. Don Corneo would kill his captives in weeks, bastards like Dr. Stone could capture and release the same person for indefinitely. So Tifa figures she can do a lot of good by replacing cruel bastards with nurturing bastards, she's definitely a bit corrupt :) but still very much a powerhouse of good that fully corrupted Taki into also doing good! Mostly!