
A Night in Liyue - Prank Gone Wrong WiP #5c

3 months ago
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Ooohhh!.. Look at dem nice, plump, and soft lookin' Clouds!


After I finished the last wip, I decided to take a few days off from doing PGW stuff and just do some more combat animation training...

Buuutttt.... after re-installing ZZZ, one of the npc caught my eye and I ended starting a smol side project for fun :p

In doing so, I learned a pretty neat trick with Volume Shaders which allowed me to create a slightly foggy atmosphere, along with enabling the use of God Rays! (which are basically the effect that a super bright light does when passing through fog or dust)... And in this case, it's the moon casting rays of light onto our spicy couple :3

And while I was at it... I also went ahead and updated the outside environment! Making it so that the clouds, stars, and sky are all the same as the ones seen in the ending of Happy Accident where Sucrose first got a glimpse of their private paradise :3

Ofc, I'm also gonna have to update all previous scenes with these clouds as well... Along with a TON of updates to the rigs, animation, color grading, etc. to make them all up to the standard of recent wips... Buuutttt that's for future me to worry about :p

Which reminds me! I'm prolly gonna have to do the same for the Happy Accident Epilogue as well...Sooo I should prolly get a head start on updating that bad boi for it's dubbing and final release... Ughhh... that's a lotta work -_-

Oh well... at least it'll be a great warmup for the big boi PGW :p

I'm also gonna be on the lookout for a sound dude to do the sfx for me this time around!.. That should free up a ton of time on my part so that I can work more on the dubbing and animation polishing. Ofc, I'm still gonna do the BGM myself as that's integral to the mood of each scene.

And that's about it!.. Hope you like it you absolute Chad!
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