
Rules of a Dog Slut Redux - Victoria's Rules

1 hour ago
2.1K (2,115)
Victoria grew up in a religious household. You'd think she'd be an innocent flower, devoid of sin and temptation...

How wrong you'd be. You see, her father breeds dogs. And that means paws and tails and dick all over the house. Everywhere...all the time. There's only one natural course for a curious religious girl to take. And I'm sure you know where it leads.

Admittedly, these videos are taking a bit longer to complete. I guess that's expected when it comes to branching out and experimenting with the editing process. I've honestly been considering making some kind of specialized Patreon/Subscribestar tiers (because let's be honest, I'd like to earn a little something with the time I'm putting in). Maybe a "non-text version" or "non-music" version tier with voting capabilities for future vids/songs/etc.

We'll see.

All characters featured in this video are 18 years of age or older.