
Claire's Quest: Chapter 2. Claire Depraves Herself In The Refugee Camp

11 hours ago
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DETAILED PLAYTHROUGH - CLAIRE'S QUEST [Dystopian Project / Fantasy RPG / 2016]: Chapter 2. Claire Depraves Herself In The Refugee Camp

In this episode, Claire finally manages to reach the large refugee camp, adjacent to the seaside village of Hookton, but finds it under tight military control, with the guardsmen suspiciously issuing free pass permits only to women and children. She also finds the camp literally infested with all sorts of frivolous and lecherous occupants drooling at the sight of her young, voluptuous body... and, partly out of the need for funding, partly driven by her own secret burning desires, gradually begins to submit to their wishes, letting them fondle her tits, admire her in the nude, and even going as far as to give one of the guards an almost professional blowjob. Unfortunately, all the goodwill and all the money she has managed to amass in the camp are of no avail to our heroine after she is duped into accepting her own "permit" - a "permit", so it seems, to be abducted for the needs of the local sex slave market...

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