
Seeds Of Chaos: Chapter 2. A Magic Trap For The Sheltered Village Girl

12 hours ago
DETAILED PLAYTHROUGH - SEEDS OF CHAOS [Venus Noire / Dark Fantasy / 2016]: Chapter 2. A Magic Trap For The Sheltered Village Girl

In this chapter, Rowan understands that it is impossible for him to beat the evil twin demons, Andras and Jazeera, in straight combat, particularly after they both teleport away from his burnt-down village, still holding his wife Alexia as hostage. The next day, Rowan leaves the ruins of his household and begins a long and arduous journey north to reach the demons' castle and rescue his wife - a journey that takes him months, while Andras spends the same time distracting Alexia and gradually winning over her sympathies. As Rowan finally reaches Castle Bloodmeen, he makes one more desperate attempt to end the life of at least one of his demon nemeses - and suffers yet another crushing defeat....

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