
Dating My Daughter: Chapter 24. X Marks The Pussy And The Penis

6 months ago
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DETAILED PLAYTHROUGH - DATING MY DAUGHTER VOL. 1 [MrDots / Adolescent Comedy / 2016]: Chapter 24. X Marks The Pussy And The Penis

In this chapter, Jonathan and Arielle finally retire for the night, but the insatiable daughter still has one more lewd game in store - "X Marks The Spot", according to the rules of which one partner has to guess the right location which the other partner wants him or her to kiss. While the game itself somehow passes without any particularly embarrassing incidents, it gets our heroes so flustered and excited that it does not take long for Jonathan to give a little rubbing to Arielle's pussy, and for Arielle to ask Jonathan if she can touch his manhood, which forces him to go jack off in the bathroom, while a totally shameless Arielle peeks on him from outside. In the morning, Arielle goes even further as her experimentation drives her to giving her father a handjob in his sleep... and watching her first male orgasm in proper close-up!

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