
Mythic Manor: Chapter 15. One More Juicy Sausage Can Never Hurt

2 weeks ago
DETAILED PLAYTHROUGH - MYTHIC MANOR [Jikei / Fantasy Harem / 2018]: Chapter 15. One More Juicy Sausage Can Never Hurt

In this chapter, Orpheus spends a lovely morning with Esther, helping her to cook breakfast, alleviating her chest pains through an arousing massage and milking routine, and getting a sensual blowjob in return. Later still, Esther invites the young man to a sauna, where she remains amazed at his respectful self-control during yet another massage session. Meanwhile, Naira can no longer conceal her burning sex drive from Orpheus after he discovers her porn bookmarks, and promptly asks him to sixty-nine her, opening a new page in their relationship. In other news, Iris decides to try and look for an apartment under her "Dahlia" alias; and Nefari uses a day of relaxation at the beach to show Orpheus the exciting dangers of mythics exploiting the sexual energy of people - both remotely and in person...
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