
The Beach! (Lost Files)

6 months ago
50K (49,665)
Our main character booked an expansive vacation at a beach resort for his girlfriend and himself, thinking about proposing during the trip.
Except... The trip ended up being... Boring.

He's thinking about this while they're tanning at the beach, and thinking that they haven't even had sex once since they arrived.

He's over it, especially when his girlfriend tells him she's headed back to their room to take a nap.

After she leaves, horny and disappointed, he spots the only other person present on the beach: an old, sunburnt mature woman. And her heavy chest is enough to make him try an approach.

He chats her up, the both of them flirting heavily.

He ends up getting lucky, that woman being very happy to get the attention of a younger man; and after some oral action, reveals that she has a pretty big extra she wants him to take care of... To which, overwhelmed by desire and sexually frustrated, he voluntarily and happily obliges.
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