
Supermassive Black Hole - PMV

7 months ago
111K (110,615)
I'm thinking about opening a patreon, but I have no idea about how it would work... Maybe some pools to decide themes, songs and random video giveaways ! And also maybe a discord server for goofing around too ? I don't know... Would you guys be down for that ? Or it's too much to ask ? I mean, I don't have intentions of "paywalling" my content since i just make them for fun. But also it wouldn't hurt to make a few bucks while having said fun and learning to edit videos... I don't know, will be considering that.

hope you guys enjoyed this one as much as I did editing it, it has to be one of my favorites editing-wise, together with PHNAF and Nyakumming too.

Also, regarding the video puzzles, I have some ideas in mind for my next video, I tried doing it on this one but it kinda felt like I was forcing a puzzle on this video, since I already had everything edited and ready and I was just inserting the easter eggs and clues on top of it (terrible idea). Next video I will try to build them up as I edit. Also will try to interact more with elements outside of the video itself like the description and external sites. But Its not necessarily my main focus, so if it takes a while... Im sorry.