
Leap Of Faith: Chapter 6. Just Soaking Up The Good Atmosphere

3 months ago
In this chapter, Byron collects all of his lady friends (plus Chris) to join him aboard Lexi's private jet, all for a weekend of mindless fun at the superstar's luxurious mansion in Beverly Hills. On the plane, party spirits seem as high as possible, with Linda continuing her horny flirting, Robin and Kira unable to keep their hands off each other, and even Cece seemingly out of her depressive swing. Meanwhile, Lexi herself seems to be falling for our hero, especially after he instigates a dance party aboard the plane. But as he finds an old note from Stephanie in his back pocket at the end of the day, can we really be sure that he won't be ready to abandon all of that colorful harem and rush off back to his ex-lover at her first call?..
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