11 months ago
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The extra-dimensional entities that have come to be referred to by Argent Energy staff as ‘Hell Knights’ are a species of demon native to Hell, as their name suggests, where they appear to serve in a relatively high rank when compared to some of their lesser counterparts. As per Chairman Hayden's request, what follows are the findings and observations of UAC science teams tasked with examining the live specimens that were recovered following the incident at the Mars facility.
Described as towering and brutish, Hell Knights are especially large and powerful, dwarfing species like Imps and Pinkies both in their stature and their capacity for violence. Ranging between eight and nine feet tall, they are broad-shouldered, with well-developed muscles that make them very dangerous in close quarters despite their lack of natural or grafted weaponry. Without pronounced claws or fangs, they favor raw strength during combat, swinging their fists and kicking with enough force to create tangible shock waves. The muscles in their legs are of special note, which allow them to leap considerable distances.
Their epidermis is separated into two distinct parts that differ in their color and texture. The skin has a purple discoloration, and is flexible and smooth, thin enough to show considerable muscle definition. This is especially pronounced on the lower torso, where their impressive abdominal muscles are displayed prominently. The lighter, beige-colored material is made up of a cutaneous layer that is thicker and more durable, patterned with dark spots in places. While initially thought to be ossified, this material is actually flexible and leathery, providing durability without inhibiting movement. Even the anterior of the head, initially assumed to be a projection of the cranium, is actually formed from this flexible tissue. One UAC staff member who performed hands-on studies with a sedated specimen reported that the texture reminded him of ‘a leather couch cushion’. In female specimens, this layer is used to store adipose tissue, which may be an adaptation to resource scarcity in Hell’s harsh environment.
One noteworthy feature is the lack of eyes, which seem to have been selected out of the gene pool entirely over many generations. This could be an adaptation to a subterranean environment such as Hell’s caves or fighting pits, where pitch darkness is common. Instead, the Hell Knight compensates for its lack of vision with a very acute sense of a smell and a developed sense of hearing. In tests, subjects were able to recognize their handlers based on their scent alone, showing a strong preference for UAC staff who interacted with them regularly to the violent exclusion of all other personnel.
More is known about the history of the Hell Knights and their place in Hell’s hierarchy than almost any other demon, which allows us to glean some important insights into their behavior. Tablets, retrieved from the Great Steppe in the UAC Automated Survey of 2143, suggest that Hell Knights originally flanked the Great Serpent during the first age. After their master was defeated by the Guardian the Hell Knights were placed in the arenas of Hell, where they would feed on any victims thrown to them by the demon overlords as sport. It is now believed that they guard the most sacred and important relics in the nether world.
Their history suggests that Hell Knights may have been bred almost like guard dogs, serving to protect both VIPs and important historical sites. This territorial behavior appears to be deeply ingrained in the creature’s psyche, resulting in numerous difficulties during our observations. Hell Knights will claim their holding cells as their territory, and will react violently to anyone who encroaches upon them, restricting access to our staff in the process. The only ways that UAC personnel were able to carry out their studies was either by pumping the cell with aerosolized sedatives, or assigning one staff member to be the creature’s handler. It is theorized that this handler takes on the role of a VIP, something equivalent to Hell’s demon overlords, which the subjects have a natural inclination to protect and serve. After repeated exposure, the Hell Knight will become amenable when it picks up the scent of its preferred handler, ceasing its aggressive and territorial behavior. In this state, the Hell Knight is possibly the easiest to interact with of any of the demon species we’ve studied so far, and even seems to actively seek approval from its handler. It should be noted that the intrusion of any other personnel while the handler is present will result in a violent reaction as the Knight attempts to ‘protect’ its VIP, so UAC staff with clearance to interact with the specimens should be given absolute privacy at all times.
The head of research at the facility, Doctor Pierce, has asked that all sessions during which UAC staff interacted with Hell Knights be transferred to company servers and studied in an attempt to better understand the sociological behaviors of the species. She believes that their unique ability to be pacified by handlers could be leveraged for military applications. Included with this report are several terabytes of high-definition video files spanning several hundred hours. Not all of the footage has been checked yet, but we ask that any staff viewing the files keep an eye out for any unusual behaviors exhibited by the specimens, and report their observations to Doctor Pierce without delay.
The extra-dimensional entities that have come to be referred to by Argent Energy staff as ‘Hell Knights’ are a species of demon native to Hell, as their name suggests, where they appear to serve in a relatively high rank when compared to some of their lesser counterparts. As per Chairman Hayden's request, what follows are the findings and observations of UAC science teams tasked with examining the live specimens that were recovered following the incident at the Mars facility.
Described as towering and brutish, Hell Knights are especially large and powerful, dwarfing species like Imps and Pinkies both in their stature and their capacity for violence. Ranging between eight and nine feet tall, they are broad-shouldered, with well-developed muscles that make them very dangerous in close quarters despite their lack of natural or grafted weaponry. Without pronounced claws or fangs, they favor raw strength during combat, swinging their fists and kicking with enough force to create tangible shock waves. The muscles in their legs are of special note, which allow them to leap considerable distances.
Their epidermis is separated into two distinct parts that differ in their color and texture. The skin has a purple discoloration, and is flexible and smooth, thin enough to show considerable muscle definition. This is especially pronounced on the lower torso, where their impressive abdominal muscles are displayed prominently. The lighter, beige-colored material is made up of a cutaneous layer that is thicker and more durable, patterned with dark spots in places. While initially thought to be ossified, this material is actually flexible and leathery, providing durability without inhibiting movement. Even the anterior of the head, initially assumed to be a projection of the cranium, is actually formed from this flexible tissue. One UAC staff member who performed hands-on studies with a sedated specimen reported that the texture reminded him of ‘a leather couch cushion’. In female specimens, this layer is used to store adipose tissue, which may be an adaptation to resource scarcity in Hell’s harsh environment.
One noteworthy feature is the lack of eyes, which seem to have been selected out of the gene pool entirely over many generations. This could be an adaptation to a subterranean environment such as Hell’s caves or fighting pits, where pitch darkness is common. Instead, the Hell Knight compensates for its lack of vision with a very acute sense of a smell and a developed sense of hearing. In tests, subjects were able to recognize their handlers based on their scent alone, showing a strong preference for UAC staff who interacted with them regularly to the violent exclusion of all other personnel.
More is known about the history of the Hell Knights and their place in Hell’s hierarchy than almost any other demon, which allows us to glean some important insights into their behavior. Tablets, retrieved from the Great Steppe in the UAC Automated Survey of 2143, suggest that Hell Knights originally flanked the Great Serpent during the first age. After their master was defeated by the Guardian the Hell Knights were placed in the arenas of Hell, where they would feed on any victims thrown to them by the demon overlords as sport. It is now believed that they guard the most sacred and important relics in the nether world.
Their history suggests that Hell Knights may have been bred almost like guard dogs, serving to protect both VIPs and important historical sites. This territorial behavior appears to be deeply ingrained in the creature’s psyche, resulting in numerous difficulties during our observations. Hell Knights will claim their holding cells as their territory, and will react violently to anyone who encroaches upon them, restricting access to our staff in the process. The only ways that UAC personnel were able to carry out their studies was either by pumping the cell with aerosolized sedatives, or assigning one staff member to be the creature’s handler. It is theorized that this handler takes on the role of a VIP, something equivalent to Hell’s demon overlords, which the subjects have a natural inclination to protect and serve. After repeated exposure, the Hell Knight will become amenable when it picks up the scent of its preferred handler, ceasing its aggressive and territorial behavior. In this state, the Hell Knight is possibly the easiest to interact with of any of the demon species we’ve studied so far, and even seems to actively seek approval from its handler. It should be noted that the intrusion of any other personnel while the handler is present will result in a violent reaction as the Knight attempts to ‘protect’ its VIP, so UAC staff with clearance to interact with the specimens should be given absolute privacy at all times.
The head of research at the facility, Doctor Pierce, has asked that all sessions during which UAC staff interacted with Hell Knights be transferred to company servers and studied in an attempt to better understand the sociological behaviors of the species. She believes that their unique ability to be pacified by handlers could be leveraged for military applications. Included with this report are several terabytes of high-definition video files spanning several hundred hours. Not all of the footage has been checked yet, but we ask that any staff viewing the files keep an eye out for any unusual behaviors exhibited by the specimens, and report their observations to Doctor Pierce without delay.