
[Gorilka] More Business In the Pool

11 months ago
61K (61,197)
"Vinyl Scratch gave Rarity a truckload of money to 'play' with Spike and Colgate in the pool. Fun and money - a pretty good deal for Spike, but he doesn't know about the little secret..."
Voiced by:
Vinyl Scratch/Rarity/Fluttershy - MacStar
Colgate (aka Minuette) - SkittyKat
Spike - Jeff Barbie
Taste - TrackTribe
Unrest - ELPHNT


The sequel you all have been expecting and saucier than you can imagine.

Commission made by Gorilka for the LD.
my little pony anthro spike (mlp) vinyl scratch (mlp) sound doggystyle position + | Suggest