
Tyrande gets fucked and impregnated by an orc

1 year ago
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It was an alternate timeline; one where Teldrassil had not yet burned. The Horde had just entered Darkshore and their objective was clear. As they marched closer and closer to Teldrassil, Tyrande knew their fate if they tried to fight. She shocked her generals when she decided to leave her people, travelling instead to Orgrimmar for an attempt at diplomacy.

Entering Orgrimmar with only two of her most trusted sentinels by her side, Tyrande was determined to save Teldrassil. She pled her case, and was surprised when she was presented with a deal: Teldrassil would be spared if Tyrande and her sentinels gave them something in return... one child each. The orcs would hold a great tournament to determine who would breed with Orgrimmar's newest guests.

After considering how many of their peoples' lives were at stake, Tyrande and her sentinels agreed to the deal. However, the night elves were not very familiar with orcish mating habits. Strength is coveted at all stages of an orc's life, and they are tested before they are even born. While orcish women can handle the constant sex during a pregnancy, these night elves were about to be tested in a way that they had never been tested before...

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night elf (world of warcraft) orc (world of warcraft) pregnant pregnant sex interspecies penis in pussy creampie ejaculation impregnation sound moaning in pleasure bouncing breasts + | Suggest