
E-Girl Rehab by IHIH3

1 year ago
41K (41,481)
Had this series brewing in my head for while and then I started it, so I figured I should finish this video at least. Probably not my best work, but it does its job of introducing a new series. Maybe not every video needs to make my computer stumble and crash the editing program during the video's production. I still don't know what to call these videos with AI stories. AIVHMV's for Artificial Intelligence Voiced Hentai Music Video? I doubt I invented this style of HMVs, so I may not be the right person to name it but I do have to call it something. If you have any ideas of your own for what to call these types of HMVs let me know, so I can add it to the warning at the start of my videos. Otherwise, I'll just use AIVHMV or maybe AIVSHMV for Artificial Intelligence Voiced Story Hentai Music Video. I think that's more appropriate for what I specifically use AI voices for. Trying to make a story out of these clips does make it more engaging for me. That tends to decide how fast I work on these among other things.

And for my fellow anons, I guess I'm back for now. But I do want to say thank you for your own responses. We really don't need to be run by our own hate. None of you deserve to be statistics/echo chamber soldiers waiting to pop up on television as the next chud of the week, accomplishing nothing for the delusion they joined or even for themselves. Though, I've started to cut back on the devices I look this stuff up on, I am still not free or the best version of me. I sincerely hope those of you who claimed to be on the same path and even those of you who aren't as adamant or even on it, have managed to progress further, if not further than me. I do suggest dropping social media too (yes, even for memes, especially of the based variety. I get it though, they can be extremely funny): it adds to the mental clarity one can achieve. I should probably cut it there, this is a description for a hentai video not a self-help guru channel. Still, I hope you all continue to progress, slowly or quickly, but surely. I owe my own progress to the conflict I felt while making this video. I will make another for this series. Maybe it will be a trilogy again. I don't, we'll see, but as always I hope you're doing okay. Until next time or never. Take care!
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