
Prevence X Psy

1 year ago
200K (199,617)
This is a updated version of another video from Spankbang with the same name: 'Prevence X Psy'

I basically wanted to do some minor tweaks like correcting some of the timing and adding some scenes to reduce the repetition in some clips. And overall I liked the results, the ending was my favorite part to edit. Please if you liked this video, go to the original one, again on Spankbang with the same title as this, and give it a like, since it was their idea first, and I just did some minor tweaks

Also, expect another PMV with Gentleman by PSY, this time being a original PMV about Nyakumi and their lovely work! Now, you may ask why 2 PMVs with the same song being uploaded one after the other, and tbh, I have no Idea, I just think the song is neat, and I want to use in a original PMV done by me, so yeah that's it.

Hope you enjoy the video :)