
Miranda Versus The Galaxy [LordAardvark][4K]

1 year ago
292K (292,111)
Miranda Versus the Galaxy

Kasumi Goto has a problem: she can't help but sneak through other peoples' things. The thought of discovering some tantalizing, deep secret that reveals an entirely new side to a person is a temptation she simply can't resist. As she snoops through the computer of ex-Cerberus operator Miranda Lawson, she comes across something which the label "tantalizing" fails to fully describe: A rough cut of a video performance starring Miss Lawson herself. And when Kasumi learns that the video is produced by none other than the galaxy-famous adult entertainment studio Fornax... Well, this just takes the idea of "dirt" to an entirely new level! Of course, what good is potential blackmail, if you don't review it, first..?


Oolaytiger Ivan E Recshun SilkyMilky Checkov