A New Toy (Kara - Detroit: Become Human PMV)
1 year ago
120K (120,127)
Is lack of pussy bumming you out? Well be bummed no more, because the future is now, my friend! Since [man]kind has yet to receive state-mandated GFs, we at Cyberlife are offering the next best thing: android GFs, able to be calibrated to your whims at any given moment! Always receptive to your advances, always ready to give and receive your affection, always ready to participate in (or leave you alone during) your hobbies! She's literally all yours! Our lineup begins with Kara-AX400, a cute little brunette ready to rock your world or rock you to bed! (Hey, we don't judge.) Starting at just $899, treat yourself to a new toy-*COUGH*... erm, unbox the love of your life, today!
*spoken rapidly* [Disclaimer: Kara-AX400 cannot be manipulated on a whim; any modifications to Kara-AX400's personality require a shutdown and hard reboot no shorter than 24 hours to take effect. Memory format recommended between personality modifications. Kara-AX400 may not be receptive to physical advances/affection despite factory programming and may require "breaking in". Memory format recommended following less-than-consensual encounters. Physical modifications prior to shipping are negotiable but susceptible to increased pricing. Physical modifications after unboxing are susceptible to further increased pricing. Memory format recommended following physical modifications. Terms and conditions apply.]
Sorry, just having fun with the concept. They should really give me a character limit, huh? I'll keep this short since that was so long lmao. Uh... Kara super cute. Song is Unbroken by Sierra. Enjoy your new toy!
*spoken rapidly* [Disclaimer: Kara-AX400 cannot be manipulated on a whim; any modifications to Kara-AX400's personality require a shutdown and hard reboot no shorter than 24 hours to take effect. Memory format recommended between personality modifications. Kara-AX400 may not be receptive to physical advances/affection despite factory programming and may require "breaking in". Memory format recommended following less-than-consensual encounters. Physical modifications prior to shipping are negotiable but susceptible to increased pricing. Physical modifications after unboxing are susceptible to further increased pricing. Memory format recommended following physical modifications. Terms and conditions apply.]
Sorry, just having fun with the concept. They should really give me a character limit, huh? I'll keep this short since that was so long lmao. Uh... Kara super cute. Song is Unbroken by Sierra. Enjoy your new toy!

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