
Basscannon x Reindëër - Concussive (A Dirtyfinger PMV)

1 year ago
28K (28,355)
New PMV release: Concussive by Bassnectar x Renholdër
Prepare for awesome dubstep.

Animations by Hentype and blackjrXIII. They are awesome and don’t really need me to make a PMV, because both are practically releasing freaking MOVIES themselves!

Commissioned by Rarity263.

I have Hentype’s explicit permission and I’d love to have blackjr’s, too, but I have tried contacting him for weeks without success. I even joined his bloody PATREON just so I could send him a direct message, but he doesn’t talk to anyone, EVER! He also never requests takedowns, so I just assume his passive approval.

Also, as per request, I left in the moans.
