
Broken Droid used as Fuck Toy by Twi'lek (Star Wars)

1 year ago
64K (64,259)
Heyo! Here's something I put together for last year's "May The Fourth Be With You!" Please enjoy this Star Wars related loop based 3d animated comedy short (fully voiced).

Captain Zen is a busy and impatient woman, and one of her astromech droids has a broken tool. In this case though she's not keen to get it fixed, just yet...

Voice work by Dorn and Ivan E. Recshun, with original music by Dani Long.

If you want to see this in 60fps 3840x2160 resolution with the original bitrate, along with some bonus raw frames, you can find the link to that here ->

My thanks to everyone who helped on this one, from the great voice talent to the original score to those who helped with quality control. Enjoy!

You can find more of my works here: