
Just You And I (Rebecca PMV)

1 year ago
105K (105,236)
"Hey choom, you remember that cute solo we saw at the bar the other day? The one with the green hair and the pale synthskin and the gun that looked way too big for her? Yeah, my BD guy said she's in this one! ...Yeah, he sells XBDs. What about it?"

Song is Violence by Le Destroy & The Bait. Hope you enjoy!
P.S.: The clip at 1:57 is made by derederu; the gifs on the sides at 2:36 are by ebonyxh; the center gif at 2:40 is by pace-r18 (though the original art is by nosorapoi); and the ending bit is by colodraws. Enjoy your sauce.
pmv presenting pussy choking david martinez (cyberpunk edgerunners) rebecca (cyberpunk edgerunners) + | Suggest