
The conversion attempt

2 years ago
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While the leaders of the allied races may have pledged their allegiance to each other, it doesn't mean a handful of their members don't have their own personal agendas. This is especially the case with the lightforged draenei, who routinely display their fanatic devotion to the Light.

When a young void elf came to Stormwind in search of purpose and adventure, she was happy to make her first friend at the embassy. She didn’t know anyone else in town, and this lightforged draenei was friendly and charming. They hit it right off, even joking about each other’s large breasts and bitching about back pain just moments after meeting.

After chatting for a bit, the elf mentions how she’s new to the city and hasn’t seen much of it yet. The draenei immediately tells her about the cathedral, and how she must see it before anything else. “There’s actually something that I recommend all newcomers try,” the draenei says. “I’d be happy to show you myself.”

The void elf agrees, figuring she needs to start somewhere anyway. She follows the draenei from the embassy and into the cathedral. The sound of their footsteps echoes against the walls inside. The building is completely empty.

“You’ll need to strip down to your underwear for this,” the draenei instructs with a smile. “If it helps, I’ll have to do it too.”

The draenei begins unbuckling her chest piece and shoulder pads while the elf questions this unusual custom. She’s a bit uneasy about the idea, but she also doesn’t want to offend her new friend. She follows the draenei’s lead and removes her clothing. By the time she was down to her underwear, the draenei was already in hers and was busy searching through her bag. Because she was hunched over and facing the other way, the elf couldn’t see the big bulge in the draenei’s undergarments.

“So this is where things get even funnier,” the draenei admits while continuing to rummage through her bag. The elf hears the clinking sounds of crystals coming from the bag, and notices the yellow glow coming from its contents. “I actually have to tie your arms up for this,” she says as she pulls out a glowing yellow rope. “Don’t worry, you’ll understand later.”

The elf hesitates and takes a step back, but the draenei smiles at her. “C’mon, you can trust me.”

The elf ignores her gut feeling of uneasiness and caves into the pressure. “Okay,” she says, smiling back at the draenei.

They both giggle as the draenei ties up the elf’s arms behind her back. The elf winces as the draenei finishes the knot tightly on her wrists. Grasping her bag with one hand, the draenei grabs the elf’s arm firmly with the other and whisks her to the altar at the front of the cathedral. The mood shifts. The draenei is acting much more stern and quiet compared to her charming self moments ago.

“Is everything okay?” The elf asks.

Without looking at her, the draenei remains silent and focuses on placing the crystals from her bag onto the altar. After placing four of them on the altar and holding a fifth one, she steps behind the elf and leans in to whisper in her ear, “You’re just a little void whore, aren’t you?”

“W-what?” The elf asks with a shake in her voice. It’s starting to dawn on her that she may have gotten herself into a sticky situation.

“You’re filthy,” the draenei says. “I’m going to cleanse you from within, and only then will you finally see the Light!”

The elf stands motionless as the draenei forcefully strips the bra and underwear off of her body. Grabbing a tight hold of her ponytail, the draenei bends her over the altar. The elf feels a large, throbbing member rubbing against her. She freezes, fear and adrenaline pulsing through her veins. The draenei begins pushing herself into her, and the elf is surprised at how wet she already is and how good it feels. She accepts the entirety of the draenei’s member deep inside of her and begins breathing heavily as the draenei pounds her. Will the conversion attempt be successful?

Full version with extra angles available on Patreon:
draenei (world of warcraft) void elf (world of warcraft) grabbing hair dominant futanari futanari futanari dominates female sound futanari penetrating standing doggystyle position + | Suggest