Gold Geisha (Warframe PMV)
2 years ago
87K (87,145)
I could never get into Warframe. I tried it out back when the entire concept was "robot space ninjas" and there was no plot to speak of, then when the game significantly improved at giving the player some form of direction my account was still lost because of how much "progress" I had made before then. However... there are thicc robot bitches, and I am a monstrosity. This is 6 minutes and 24 seconds of Warframe porn consisting of approximately 80% of the content available under the "animated"+"warframe" tags on rule34. I feel like nutting in the middle of this PMV is significantly less satisfying than doing so on others, but nutting at the end is significantly more satisfying. Song is Belladonna by Gold Geisha (I thought the artist name fit more than the song name for the title of this). GLHF. P.S.: Shoutout to wattchewant, an artist I'm unable to credit with this system. Guy dropped some of the first (and best) Warframe porn then dropped off the face of the earth. Bless him. Other artists who can't be credited are white-crow, comandorekin, creepychimera, valkyrq, and kc3d.


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