Mimp_ Under the Tree - Pakmamo22
2 years ago
11K (11,132)
Finally, after remaking Mimp from scratch, I've made another animation. Even though it's only a short loop of what could have been a still image, I'm rather happy with the result. I also learnt a bit in the process.
What's next requires me to make a few more assets, but they're small and I've got a good idea of what I want. So getting those ready won't take me too long (though I will be a little busy for the next month or so). <3
Would anyone like a partially clothed version?
What's next requires me to make a few more assets, but they're small and I've got a good idea of what I want. So getting those ready won't take me too long (though I will be a little busy for the next month or so). <3
Would anyone like a partially clothed version?