• Name nakennerd
  • Gender Male
  • Age 41
  • Sexual Orientation Straight
  • Relationship Status Single
  • Country no info
  • Joined 3 years ago
  • Favorites 33 videos
  • Comments 0
About me:
i am a private investigator, pentester,sosial engineer, certified. i have been so facinated by horse belly riding. I LOVE ANIMALS AND HAVE THIS NATURAL ABILITY TO MAKE ANIMALS SAFE.the horses and dogs i have an ability to just become frends with any animal. i mean when i go to wisit horseson the pasture. cows also the whole group of hundreds come straigt over when they se me. i get presented the youngs and standing in the middle of 100 cows and 25-50 kiddy kows jumpy and unshure. can be scary. same with dogs and horses, i feel horses are big dogs. i have had 2 dogs bigg americkan statfordshire lock and mastiff size. they cal me moses walking in town , an opening of the people who jumps out of the way. butt i tougt him to be frends with all animals and living life. he saved a little bird from getting car over. just picked upp the bird in the road and carefully carrying it to the fammily. the birds not scared. open his mout and out walks the duck. do somke animal comunication with the mother and cameback to me. i could newer harm a animal i mean i dont kill flies or ants. i am agood person with a hart of gold people say. i was an gangster druggdealer bad boy. when i got my dog. 23 i just stand up in my gang 20-30 guys. i wont no more violence in my life. and 15 years ago written 16 books published. butt i am addicted to horse dick sucking movies. the size and im not little gay. tottaly staight. not intrested in anyones dick iuf i got a million i wold not suck a dick. but horsedick i want upmy asshole, horse belly riding exsrem sport, i tottaly love the RULE34VIDEO.COM

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