- Name LN1998
- Gender no info
- Age 26
- Sexual Orientation Straight
- Relationship Status no info
- Country United States
- City no info
- Joined 3 years ago
- Favorites 14315 videos
- Comments 0
About me:
Been around SFM/Blender/3D stuff for years (sadly?). Sometime around the end of 2016 until present day. I've witnessed the history of this industry for the past 8-years or so. A lot of great artists/animators have come and gone but I mainly attribute Studio FOW for elevating/pioneering this niche porn medium from 2015-2018. They were one of, if not the only ones making dedicated high quality, fully-voiced, animated SFM films, shorts, and interactive 3D games during that time frame. And credit to GeneralButch for the BBC stuff. Whether people like his content or not, he was damn good at making it. Since he's been gone, people have tried to recreate his style of work.
Then of course when the pandemic came this type of pornographic content (3D animated) started to boom. 2019-2023 had a ton of great animators arise such as Hydrafxx, Zmsfm, and Nagoonimation.
Current Faves: Nt00+LK, Zmsfm, NTRMAN, Rwt4184, Buckethead Ero, Nuttycravat.
Then of course when the pandemic came this type of pornographic content (3D animated) started to boom. 2019-2023 had a ton of great animators arise such as Hydrafxx, Zmsfm, and Nagoonimation.
Current Faves: Nt00+LK, Zmsfm, NTRMAN, Rwt4184, Buckethead Ero, Nuttycravat.