- Name MonkeyPoop
- Gender Male
- Age no info
- Sexual Orientation Straight
- Relationship Status no info
- Country India
- City no info
- Joined 1 year ago
- Favorites nothing
- Comments 0
About me:
All Characters are above the age of 21 and all sexual activities are consensual
What's the story of LustBot, the game?
The LustBots are robots created by an Alien Advanced Race for the sole purpose of engaging in Sexual Activity to maximize pleasure.
The Main Character (Cory) finds himself in their SpaceShip in this introductory episode where he must save the LustBots from being terminated as their original Master goes missing.
What kind of game is it?
LustBot is an Turn-Based RPG game with action/adventure elements.
So... there are sex scenes in it...?
Of course... you will meet and rescue various types and models of LustBots that are programmed for pleasure. You can check if their functions are working properly by... you know... wink wink.
How often when the game will be updated...?
Every month. Patrons will be notified upon each updated release.
What do we... as patrons get from supporting you?
Please check the Membership section for pledges and their bonuses.
What's the story of LustBot, the game?
The LustBots are robots created by an Alien Advanced Race for the sole purpose of engaging in Sexual Activity to maximize pleasure.
The Main Character (Cory) finds himself in their SpaceShip in this introductory episode where he must save the LustBots from being terminated as their original Master goes missing.
What kind of game is it?
LustBot is an Turn-Based RPG game with action/adventure elements.
So... there are sex scenes in it...?
Of course... you will meet and rescue various types and models of LustBots that are programmed for pleasure. You can check if their functions are working properly by... you know... wink wink.
How often when the game will be updated...?
Every month. Patrons will be notified upon each updated release.
What do we... as patrons get from supporting you?
Please check the Membership section for pledges and their bonuses.