• Name Wolfbane
  • Gender Male
  • Age 35
  • Sexual Orientation Bisexual
  • Relationship Status Single
  • Country United States
  • City Bickmore WV
  • Joined 3 years ago
  • Favorites 4 videos
  • Comments 0
About me:
Been single for 11 and 1/2 years. I'm a nice guy until you mess with my family or friends all about loyalty, friendship, and respect I know this is from Scarface but I take these words to heart I break my balls for no One. And I've never screwed anybody over that did not have it coming to them. I am a furry don't hate me for being a furry because I will be either the best ally or ur worst nightmare. I do believe in a god or gods as I would say I believe in Odin Thor his half brother Loki Thor's two sons magni and modi Thor's biological brother Boulder and the all mother Freya. Because of this I have no friends and a lot of people see me as a weird person but I'm not I am a kind-hearted person that would give my own shirt shoes and socks and pants to someone but not my underwear but I would like to find someone near me to hang out with that is all for more information about me please message me too find out ask me any question I am an open book. I will tell the truth no matter what even if it hurts somebody's feelings or make them cry because I tell the truth you could say I am brutally honest and I am so blunt with what I say you can roll it up and smoke it.