• Name Glowinglightdude
  • Gender Male
  • Age no info
  • Sexual Orientation no info
  • Relationship Status no info
  • Country United States
  • City Knottyville
  • Joined 1 year ago
  • Favorites 4 videos
  • Comments 0
About me:
Video editor/splicer. Writer at heart. I make videos that feature a story-element to it. My philosophy is simple: story is important; it's the dirty stuff we fill in our head when we watch porn. The blanks we fill in. I figure why not fill in those blanks for you and create compilations that transport you in the perspective of characters--what they're doing, thinking, desiring...maybe even what you're desiring ;)

I make lots of dog stuff, beast stuff, creature stuff, and everything else in between.

My Discord is where the bulk of my work can be found. There are public pages and Patreon Subscriber pages. Cum join.


Glow, Baby, Glow Patreon Perks ($10):
• Uncompressed HD version of complete, original video
• Alternate versions
o This includes the Music-free version and a special version, depending on the series of video (example: Rules of a Dog Slut will have a “Rule-Heavy” version featuring more “rule flavor text” throughout)
• Voting privileges for polls
• Access to Patreon-exclusive “In the Spotlight” videos
o What are those, you ask?

In the Spotlight:

• Anywhere from 5-10ish minutes, possibly a bit longer depending on the pool of art/videos available.
• Features a character/genre/creature that just doesn’t get enough love.
• Includes voice acting, a bit of a story, and all the dirtiness you’d expect.
• Voters can help decide which one I work on; (I’m willing to take ideas from the discord to put into the pool of voting if I find it’s something I’m able to do with enough gusto and interest to get done)

Here are some examples of In the Spotlight ideas:

1. Jinkies! (Velma – Scooby Doo)
2. Dirty Beasts (Molded – Resident Evil)
3. Gryffindor’s Slut (Hermoine Granger – Harry Potter)
4. A Long Winter (Mia/Rosemary Winters)
5. Suck (Mavis Dracula)
6. Vortal Cascade (Alyx Vance/Vortigaunts – Half-Life 2)
7. In the Shadows (Shadowheart – Baulder’s Gate & Dogs)
8. Stranger Cock (Demogorgon – Stranger Things)
9. Little Devil (Nicoletta Goldstein – Devil May Cry 5)


Projects in the works:
Dirty Beasts (Molded) - Text/Voiceless versions for subs
Metroid X: Lost Logs (extended chapter)
Collecting videos/art for "Witch's Hunt" project