• Name Shit or Not
  • Gender no info
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  • Country United States
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  • Joined 1 year ago
  • Favorites 12 videos
  • Comments 0
About me:
Just here to share my opinion. We all have our different tastes.
Opinion 1 (Having a comp with music is great, just don't call it an HMV)
2 (a good HMV needs to be edited so the clips work with the music (Beat syncing is the most obvious way to do this, but isn't required I've seen some creative un-synched HMV's))
3 (content farming using HMV's AKA creating a half-assed "HMV" every day or every few days oversaturates the tag and is a waste of everyone's time.)
4 (using the same songs everyone else does(I'm not saying you can't do it if someone else has, just maybe think twice if like 10 other creators have used the song within the last month))
Lastly I understand that at times I can get a little annoyed and my words seem harsh, just know that it's not personal. I never want people to stop making content. just maybe making sure they label it right, or more importantly improve on their craft. Like I said, it's my opinion so you shouldn't let some stranger's words carry much weight (Unless you know what I'm saying is true).

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