• Name Kaler Milliams
  • Gender Male
  • Age no info
  • Sexual Orientation Not sure
  • Relationship Status no info
  • Country Canada
  • City no info
  • Joined 1 year ago
  • Favorites 316 videos
  • Comments 0
About me:
Try not to be phonetic
Do not be sceptic, hermetic, pathetic, analphabetic
Forget old cosmetic, you need new poetic, esthetic, eclectic, dialectic
Do not be dogmatic, bureaucratic, you need to become pragmatic
To stop change climatic, automatic
Need contribution from the institution to find solution for pollution
To save the children of the evolution
I do not like snobism, nationalism, puritanism, conformism,nazism,communism,socialism,sufism, autism, ageism ,racism ,fascism ,sadism ,masochism, consumerism ,anarchism, militarism, ogysm, zionism ,sexism ,antisemitism, estecism, activism, i am a different organism
My heroism is pacifism, altruism,symbolism, I enjoy bicyclism, liberalism, tourism, nudism, optimism, romantism, academism, realism, impressionism, pointilism, divisionism
It is good for reumatism
I got no ambition for high position, in competition with air condition
Different mission, different school, I got only one rule
Always stay cool like a ѕwimming pool