• Name Ebonycumnerd
  • Gender no info
  • Age no info
  • Sexual Orientation no info
  • Relationship Status no info
  • Country United States
  • City no info
  • Joined 1 week ago
  • Favorites 8 videos
  • Comments 0
About me:
An avid black lover of anime, overwatch, and porn. Tried dating, even with sex I found myself looking for porn or hentai after sex. Relationship didn't last, moved in by myself for the first time ever, I've always been introverted, so being alone didn't bother me, I actually just gave into my intrusive thoughts. Normally I work I have cool co workers, making enough pay all my bills, and save a decent amount. When I get out of work strip naked, get high af to chill out then I go over to my Pc on 1 screen I have my games and porn on my other screen playing also porn on my 80" playing to set the mood. I love porn and games imo life couldn't be better. Also I love OW Juno she's my favorite fantasy girl.